
ING Biztosító Zrt.

Introducing of the encryption solution of the SimCRYPT Hard disk
In the of 2009 Simplexion Ltd. won the chance for encrypting the agent notebooks of ING Biztosító Zrt. For the solution the Simplexion Ltd. chose the free solution of the TrueCrypt, which Simplexion Ltd. completed an extra management surface what was defining by the ING. The used encrypt algorithm is secure enough. Based on the valuation of the NSA (National Security Agency - USA) it's suitable for encrypting of the top-secret classified data. The above detailed system the Simplexion Ltd. developed a strictly sophisticated management surface with the following functionality:

  • - it can be installed centrally and configuration
  • - in case of password forgetting the onetime password can be ensure in offline status
  • - separating admin password can be ready for each client
  • - it's suitable for encrypting of servers hard disk
  • - the corporate password policy can be implementing (complexity of the password, frequency of the password changing, allowed number of the password miswriting)
  • - in the case of hard disk damage the encrypting can be cancel (rescue disc can be ensure)
  • - every event will be registered so it can be examine anytime

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